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May 06, 2003

Glasgow front row a concern

Posted by Editor on May 6, 2003 09:19 AM | No comments | Print | E-mail author
A report in today's Herald claims that the front row continues to be an area of concern for Glasgow.

With Dave Hilton and Cameron Blades leaving the club and interest in both Gordon McIlwham and Mattie Stewart seemingly fading, they may well opt to bring on young Scottish talent now that Hugh Campbell, a recognised scrummaging expert and former front row player, is at the helm.

Dave Hilton is understood to have had offers from clubs in England but another possibility may be a player-coach role in Scotland. Hilton has a wealth of experience that would be educational for the next generation of Scottish front-row players.

Chris Black is understood to have left Glasgow. The scrum-half has been plagued by injury in his time at Glasgow and was unable to establish himself in the team. Ian McInroy will also be leaving Glasgow.

The Glasgow management hope to know the make-up of next season's squad by the end of the week when the SRU should have approved the new contracts.

David Jordan hopes to finalise the signing of Cameron Mather quickly. Jordan said: "There are still a few minor details to be sorted out. Cameron has the contract in his possession and we hope it will come back to us quickly and the business can be finalised."


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