Glasgow Warriors | Visa complications delay McBeth joining Scotland tour

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July 01, 2024

Visa complications delay McBeth joining Scotland tour

Posted by Editor on July 1, 2024 11:58 AM | No comments | Print | E-mail author

Nathan McBeth hasn't been able to travel to North America with the rest of the Scotland touring squad
Visa complications mean Glasgow's Nathan McBeth hasn't been able to travel to North America with the rest of the Scotland touring squad.

The Times reports that the South African-born prop is still waiting for his visa application to be approved. Unlike those with UK passports, South African nationals require a tourist visa to enter Canada. McBeth's original visa appointment couldn't go ahead as he had picked up a concussion in Glasgow's URC quarter-final against Stormers.

McBeth spent Friday at the Canadian embassy in London with no success but he'll return on Monday to get the paperwork required to travel.